Crude Oil

Crude Oil is a trading instrument that offers a guaranteed return for a correct prediction about an asset’s price direction within a selected timeframe. An in-the-money option offers up to 30% of profit every 30 days, while an unsuccessful one will result in the loss of the investment. With Crude Oil one can speculate on the price movements of various stocks, currency pairs, indices, commodities and even Cryptocurrencies.
Advantages of Investing in Oil Futures

Oil futures can make great investments and are probably one of the most actively traded derivatives on the market. Some of the benefits of investing in oil futures include:
Ability to make substantial profits. Oil futures can be extremely lucrative investments. Some investors have been able to make tens of thousands of dollars with a single trade, while investing much less than would be necessary in the stock market. The price of oil can change substantially in a short period of time, so futures investors can see a sudden appreciation in their investment. In periods when the price of oil skyrockets, everyone would love to be able to purchase it at a lower price. Anyone who holds a future that allows them to do so is going to be in a good position.

Liquidity. Oil futures are one of the most liquid investments because of the high volume that is traded every day. In fact, they are the most actively traded future on the market and hence the most liquid.

Leverage. You can purchase oil futures on margin (in other words, you can borrow money to purchase them). The margin requirements are set by the exchanges and for oil they are often as low as 5% of the value of the investment. That means you could buy $100,000 worth of oil futures for only $5,000. This can also be very dangerous, but it is nice to at least have options.

Limited supply. Oil is an irreplaceable resource. The fact that there is a finite supply is depressing for most people, but it can work to the advantage of investors who choose to invest in its futures. Other commodities futures such as corn and livestock can be replaced and their prices can be stabilized. However, as the world’s oil supply is exhausted, the price of oil will inevitably increase.

Easy trading concept. Although it is a good idea to work with a broker or trader who can show you the ropes of futures investing, it is relatively easy to get started. Anyone who takes a little time to research the process can figure it out and develop a trading strategy.

$13,000 (20% Profit Return)
Minimum Investment
13% percent Withdrawable
Every month-end( 30days).
$15, 000 (30% Profit Return)
Minimum Investment
15% Withdrawable.
Every month-end( 30days).
Digital Options
Digital Options is a trading instrument that allows you to speculate on the extent of the price change, rather than just on the general price direction. If the price of the underlying asset is to reach the threshold selected by the trader (known as the ‘strike price’), the payout may get as high as 900%. A distinguishing feature of Digital Options is a predetermined expiration time that works in 5-minute intervals.
Minimum Investment
Return up to
60 sec — 5 min
Expiration time
Brokerage fee